What if the operation performance solution that you purchase today were to evolve and adapt to new healthcare trends allowing you to prosper and succeed over time? What if these adaptions and changes in the solution were organic and did not require a huge outlay of money? We wholeheartedly believe that today is a new day, and it is time to reboot your IT solutions. Healthcare providers should expect their solutions to foster an environment of quality, performance, growth, and sustainability. And the solution should be fiscally viable.
The days of mega million, one size fits all, 10-year lifecycle healthcare IT solutions are coming to an end. The Care Command Center (CCC) an IBS operational performance solution, offers a new path to sustainability. A path that can start with a single user, a department, hospital, or encompass an entire healthcare eco system and at each level of use it provides the kind of performance metrics that can only be achieved by the assimilation of big data and its subsequent ability to convey this data in a meaningful way to the users within the system.
CCC is a cloud-based web native solution requiring little to no additional infrastructure to implement. Learning curves are typically less than an hour. Integration into other systems and other CCC implementations is a snap. You are taught how to build and maintain the performance parameters within your system thus eliminating the reliance on IBS to constantly build and mold the solution for you as your business grows and changes. This saves financial resources and creates long sustainable life cycles. And, we are always here to help when needed.
Because CCC was designed to be configurable for all environments in your healthcare ecosystem you can start small and grow as your budgets and resource availability allows. You can start anywhere (e.g., start by building your ER CCC solution, then build your OR solution and link them together, then bed management, then the ancillary departments and so on) all the time building a federated connected solution feeding you CCC analytics engine and Command Centers.
Our implementation and improvement teams are at the ready to begin helping you to realize a more efficient, effective way to manage your operations. Contact us today.
More Solutions
Care Command Center offers a wide variety of solutions to meet your needs. Check out more of our solutions below.